Definition of an ELV

At long last after four and a half years of painstaking discussions and negotiations, I have pleasure in reporting that a final version of a Position Statement issued by the EA as to when a vehicle is considered to be waste. 

This paper has been reviewed by the Management Committee and is now considered acceptable as a document detailing when vehicle is deemed to be an ELV.

The BVSF is proud of the fact that after many hours of negotiations and discussions with the authorities, it is as a direct result of their negotiations that all references to the salvage Code of Practice, its categories and particularly Category B salvage vehicles being classified as ‘waste’ have been removed from the document.  Additionally, other objectionable features have also been removed or changed in the document.

This, in effect, means that the Federation can proudly boast it has saved its members many thousands of pounds in terms of most Category B salvage vehicles being automatically regarded by the EA as ‘waste’ and thus requiring Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes etc.  The view is taken that this achievement clearly demonstrates the value of the BVSF and being a member of the Federation, without which the position for the future would have been much worse for the industry.

It is understood that the paper has now been distributed to EA officials throughout the country and will be used by them when deciding as to when vehicles are to be classified as ELVs. 
Click here to view the EA document.

Alan Greenouff
